A very useful exercise I had managed to NEVER try. Looking forward to sharing the results next week.
Santiago's Blog
My thoughts and advice about life, personal finance and software development.
My first ever week retrospect
HabitsLifeJan 17th, 2021 -
What I learned about risk from “A Wealth of Common Sense”
Why it's standard advice to use stocks for growth and bonds for risk management.
Personal financeSep 27th, 2020 -
Practical Machine Learning and Rails
How I built a Machine Learning workflow to integrate with a Ruby on Rails app
PythonRuby on RailsMachine learningTechnologySep 18th, 2020 -
3 Things I Learned From "Your Money or Your Life"
A great book, with an interesting and unconventional approach to personal finance.
LifePersonal financeAug 28th, 2020 -
How I Organize My Savings
Organizing your savings and setting clear goals will help you stay motivated and find purpose in putting away some of your hard-earned money.
LifePersonal financeAug 19th, 2020 -
How You Can Start Saving Too
It's very easy to tell yourself something along the lines of: "I'm hardly getting by, I'm in no position to put away money right now". But a bit of planning and a shift in mindset can go a long way.
LifePersonal financeAug 18th, 2020